Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Electric Powered Industrial Ovens

Electric powered industrial ovens are devices used to create high temperatures and are used for various applications such as heating, processing, preserving, drying, baking, sterilizing, and melting materials or materials. Ovens with electric power have advantages and disadvantages in the production process, namely:


  • The energy used is more efficient. Electric-powered industrial ovens have circulation or static, this helps circulate hot air in the oven, so that the material or material is heated more quickly and evenly.
  • Installation costs are low because it only requires an electrical connection. The installation process is also easy, this is much simpler than gas ovens which require gas pipe connections and regulators.
  • Oven temperature can be controlled, electric-powered industrial ovens allow more precise and stable temperature settings so that the roasting process on the resulting material is consistent.
  • It produces no pollutants or emissions, making it more environmentally friendly. This can help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions (Go Green).


  • High operational cost, as it requires a large amount of electrical power to reach and maintain the temperature. The power used depends on the capacity of the oven and the temperature used. The greater the power used, the greater the electricity costs incurred.
  • Electricity must be stable, if there is a disturbance or power outage it can disrupt the production process and cause losses.

Electric-powered industrial ovens have advantages as well as disadvantages. Choosing the right type of industrial oven depends on the needs and preferences of the industry. Factors to consider include the type of material or material being processed, production capacity, budget, as well as the availability of electricity supply.


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