Function and How Furnace Works in Industry

Furnace is a tool used to melt metals, heat materials for chemical processes, and can be used as a heat treatment tool in researching materials / materials. Furnace is designed to withstand high temperatures, so the furnace can operate at temperatures of more than 500 ℃.

The function of the furnace varies according to the type and specifications. But in general, the furnace functions for materials that require a direct heating process. Furnaces work with very high temperatures, so the heating process spreads faster to the surface of the material. 

The way the furnace works is quite simple, in the furnace there is a thermocouple consisting of two different conductors that produce a voltage, proportional to the temperature difference between the two ends of the conductor. The thermocouple is used for measurement as a type of temperature sensor for measurement and control and can also be used to convert temperature gradients into electricity. Heat will propagate radiation towards the sample. Some furnaces have time controls that are used to change the heating temperature automatically. While the inner wall of the furnace is designed to withstand high temperatures using alumina material.

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